If you are suffering from hair loss, you probably know by now that there are so many things that trigger hair loss. Poor diet, lack of exercise, underlying medical conditions such as anxiety, pregnancy, menopause etc, and drugs or medication that you could be using to treat other conditions in your body. Synthroid for example is a very common prescription drug for treating hypothyroidism, but which has adverse side effects on your body, with hair loss being one of them.

You could argue that you know someone who uses this drug and their hair appears even darker than it was before they started using the drug. As a matter of fact, it is possible because of the simple fact that the genetic composition of people is very different. People who are sensitive to medication will often always react negatively to a significant amount of drugs available today, and one manifestation of an adverse reaction is hair loss.

The good news is that most of the hair loss cases are always temporary and would revert back to normal once you stop using the medication in question. It is also worth mentioning that you should always consult a doctor once you start to lose your hair as a result of using any type of medication. Often times you will get valuable advice on how you can counter the effects of the medication, or get a change of medication all together.

Anxiety, irritability, fever, fatigue, headache, heat intolerance and flushing, irregular heartbeats, nausea, sweating, shortness of breath, insomnia, weight loss, vomiting, tremors , emotional instability are few of the symptoms that would often accompany a hair loss problem triggered by the use of drugs. Here are the common conditions and their drugs that could potentially trigger hair loss.

Acne – all drugs that have been derived from vitamin A

Blood – all anticoagulants such as Heparin injections, Coumadin, sofarin, panwarfin etc

Cholesterol – all drugs used to lower cholesterol levels in the body such as atronid-S

Epilepsy/Convulsions – all anticonvulsants such as Tridone

Depression – all antidepressants medication such as Zoloft, Prozac, Tofranil, Anafranil, Ventyl, Endep etc

Diet – amphetamines

Glaucoma – all beta-blocker medication such as Timoptic XC, timoptic Ocudose,

Fungus – all antifungals

Simply put, just about any drug that you use can trigger hair loss, albeit temporarily until you stop using it. The information on this page is for informational purposes only and should never substitute professional medical advice. Always discuss your condition with a professional practitioner.